Alliances Formed to Plug Security Holes in the IoT

Efforts by several internet industry groups are focusing on new measures to fix inherent security weaknesses with the rapidly expanded use of internet of things (IoT) devices for enterprises and consumers.

Supply chain security company recently announced a partnership with application security solutions Veracode to offer comprehensive coverage of connected devices and embedded systems. The security solution covers the pathway from the device firmware through to the web applications, infrastructure, and cloud services with which they interact.

This new partnership presents the most complete picture of product security for manufacturers and users of connected products at a time when the IoT device market is undergoing exponential growth, according to Matt Wyckhouse, founder and CEO of Finite State.

In a related development, the FIDO Alliance (Fast Identity Online) has also  announced a new, open IoT standard called FIDO Device Onboard (FDO) protocol that enables devices to simply and securely onboard to cloud and on-premises management platforms.

That announcement makes good on the company’s previous commitment announced two years ago to establish efforts that help fix what is wrong with the IoT’s missing security.

There is an increase in publicly reported security events targeting software supply chains. These continue to showcase the damage these incidents can inflict on even the most sophisticated organizations which is leading to mounting pressure on businesses to ensure that devices are securely developed and continuously reviewed for vulnerabilities and supply chain risks as part of their security program,.


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