How You Can Fix These Four Bad Password Habits – CSEAN

To mark this day, Cyber Security Experts Association of Nigeria (CSEAN) in a post pointed out some bad password habits and how to fix them.

World Password Day is celebrated every year on the first Thursday of May and is the perfect time to remind everyone about the importance of having a secure password for all online accounts.

To mark this day, Cyber Security Experts Association of Nigeria (CSEAN) in a post pointed out some bad password habits and how to fix them.

Cyber Security Experts Association of Nigeria is a non-profit group of professionals in the field of Information Security in Nigeria and Diaspora.

So, what are the four bad password habits and how to fix them?

Here they are!

1. We create short or easy to guess passwords

Our passwords contain things that relate to us like names of streets, spouses, siblings, pets, car, school, etc.

Fix: Use 3 or more random words plus symbols and numbers, or use a password manager to create strong passwords.

2. We reuse passwords

Because of the number of online accounts we have – easily 20+, most people use 1 password on multiple accounts making it easy for account hijacking.

Fix: Create a password format, or use a password manager to create and securely store multiple passwords.

3. We share our passwords

We trust our loved ones and share our passwords when we need to give them access. Some write it down or tell anyone that asks

Fix: Never share your password. If you must write it down, store it in a secure private location, like a safe.

4. It is risky to use 1 password for a long time.

The bad guys are improving their password cracking skills which mean that our passwords must also become stronger with time.

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Fix: Enable multi-factor authentication so it is harder for bad guys to gain access to your account.

Other useful steps include, enabling login notifications – so you know whenever someone accesses your account, and using non-sms based OTP like Google authenticator – so that a stolen sim card won’t leave you exposed.

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source: CSEAN.


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