20 African Countries Where Workers Earn The Highest Salary Per Month

                                                                                                                         According to Investopedia, a minimum wage is the lowest, statutorily required wage that a worker can earn. In other words, it is illegal for employers to pay employees anything short of the minimum wage as stipulated by a federal law of a given country. Do note that although minimum wages are typically calculated on an hourly rate elsewhere, across many African countries they are calculated and paid monthly.

Below are the African countries with the highest minimum wage, according to available statistics obtained from Statista. The list is arranged in order of relevance.

  1. Seychelles has the highest minimum wage in Africa at $432 per month.
  2. Libya has the second highest minimum wage in Africa at $322 per month.
  3. Morocco comes in third with a minimum wage of $281 per month.
  4. Next, we have Gabon with a minimum wage of $256 per month.
  5. South Africa offers a monthly minimum wage of $242.
  6. Mauritius comes in at number six with a monthly minimum wage of $240.
  7. Equatorial Guinea pays workers a minimum wage of $200 per month.
  8. Congolese workers earn a monthly minimum wage of $154.
  9. Algeria offers a monthly minimum wage of $151.
  10. Kenya offers a monthly minimum wage of $140.
  11. Carbo Verde offers a monthly minimum wage of $132.
  12. Comoros Island pays a monthly minimum wage of $125.
  13. Lesotho pays a monthly minimum wage of $112.
  14. Mozambique also pays a monthly minimum wage of $112.
  15. The Democratic Republic of Congo equally pays $125.
  16. Tunisia pays a monthly minimum wage of $110.
  17. Chad pays a monthly minimum wage of $102.
  18. Ivory Coast’s monthly minimum wage is $102.
  19. Senegal pays a monthly minimum wage of $94.
  20. Lastly, we have Liberia which pays a monthly minimum wage of $91
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