Five Revolutionary Infrastructure Projects By Lagos State Govt You Need To Know

Lagos is known for many things: vibrant culture, bustling markets, lively nightlife, and now, it is becoming synonymous with cutting-edge road infrastructures.
Over the years, Lagos has undergone significant transformation through ambitious projects aimed at enhancing its infrastructure. These endeavors not only address immediate needs but also lay the groundwork for sustainable growth and development.

In Lagos’ development plan, construction plays a crucial role in shaping the city’s future. Infrastructure projects are the backbone of a thriving metropolis, and Hitech Construction Limited, one of Nigeria’s top civil engineering companies, renowned for its innovative approach to infrastructure development, has been at the forefront of shaping Lagos’ landscape. The company’s projects have transformed the physical infrastructure and set new benchmarks for efficiency, sustainability, and modernity. Here are five infrastructure projects by Hitech that have redefined Lagos:

Eko Atlantic City: One of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken in Lagos, the ongoing Eko Atlantic City is a marvel of modern engineering. This city within a city, built on land reclaimed from the Atlantic Ocean, is set to boast state-of-the-art infrastructure, including advanced sewage systems, renewable energy sources, and smart building technologies. Hitech is playing a crucial role in the construction of key components of this futuristic urban center, demonstrating its expertise in large-scale, sustainable development projects.

Airport Road Construction: Hitech played a key role in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the road leading directly to Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos. The construction, completed in 15 months, aimed at enhancing safety and alleviating traffic congestion at a significant intersection. It included the introduction of two new twin flyover bridges, a new U-turn bridge over existing carriageways, the demolition of one pedestrian bridge, and the addition of three new pedestrian bridges. The project also involved expanding the road from two to three lanes per carriageway; recycling of the existing asphalt-wearing course supplemented with a new crushed stone base into a bitumen-stabilised base course; and applying a new asphalt-wearing course.

Eti Osa – Epe Expressway: Recognising the importance of transportation infrastructure in facilitating economic development, Hitech undertook the expansion of the Eti Osa – Epe Expressway. The scope of work included the expansion, upgrading, and rehabilitation of a 49.6km road. Other structures integral to this project included three toll plazas, the rehabilitation and widening of Mobil Bridge, the construction of 7 pedestrian bridges, and the creation of an on-ramp to Falomo Bridge.

The Bar Beach Shoreline: This project was a highly successful attempt to protect the shoreline and prevent flooding along the coastal area in Victoria Island. It included the production and placing of x-blocks; placing of geotextile to receive x-blocks; spreading of sand, leveling, grading, and compaction; casting of concrete walkways and parking areas; and median landscaping.

Osborne Jetty Terminal: This ongoing project includes the construction of an intermodal interchange at Osborne, inclusive of parking areas, internal roads, a terminal building, and jetties. The size of the site is set to be increased by more than 130% of its original surface, employing dredging and reclamation, to provide sufficient space for the expected traffic flow, taking into consideration safe clearances from overhead high-tension cables.


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