Top Business Lessons From ‘Aníkúlápó: Rise of the Spectre’

Aníkúlápó: Rise of the Spectre has a few business lessons everyone can learn from.

The series continues the story of Saro, who messes around with powers beyond his understanding, and Arolake, a lover girl just trying to find a loving home to rest her head.

Rise of the Spectre is about the supernatural order and power tussles in the old Oyo empire, but there are also business lessons in the series for everyone.

Here are five business lessons from Aníkúlápó: Rise of the Spectre

1. Stay focused – dont be distracted
Saro’s story highlights the importance of staying focused on your goals. As in the business world, distractions can have grave consequences. Setting clear goals and sticking to them is very important to success.

2. Quality of product is key
The series highlights the importance of customer satisfaction and quality of product to attract and retain customers. Customers only care about the product itself, not the circumstances surrounding its creation. Offering a quality product is essential to stand out in the market.
Saro’s life teaches us that the quality of the product is a crucial deciding factor for customers, and that’s why they’ll stay with you or ditch you for a better option.

3. Respect Agreements
Trust is a fundamental pillar of business relationships, and failing to respect your commitments can lead to harmful consequences but you can always trust Saro to do a double cross. He did it to Arolake, heaven’s gatekeeper, and the three trapped souls. Everyone who deals with him always finds out at some point what a foolish mistake they’ve made.

While this can make for an entertaining story onscreen, it’s not an admirable business quality. When you strike a deal with another entity, it’s simply expected that you keep to your word and do the things you’ve promised as faithfully as you can. Saro finds out the hard way when he double crosses his palm wine suppliers — they turn off the tap and it’s all downhill.

The Alaafin’s failure to also honour his deal to marry his daughter to the son of the Bashorun is one of the central conflicts of the film and could have been avoided if everyone just did as promised.

4. Plan for the Raining days
The series teaches us the importance of having a clear plan for the raining days also known as difficult days. Entrepreneurs must anticipate potential challenges and be prepared to proactively address them to ensure the sustainability of their business.
Perhaps the most important lesson here is business won’t always be a smooth ride. Karounwi is his village’s sole palm wine supplier and enjoys everyone’s goodwill until competition shows up with a better product. It’s a devastating end to his monopoly that takes him by surprise, rendering him without a next course of action. Desperate, he uses his daughter, Olatorera, as bait to figure out his business rival’s secrets and ultimately loses her to his charming ways.

Saro also never thinks about alternatives until his supernatural supply runs out, which is funny for someone who never planned to fulfil his end of the bargain and should have seen the outcome coming. He has no plan for when the tap is turned off and his business is completely ruined.

No matter how good the going gets, it’s important to always have a strategy for when the wind starts blowing off course for whatever reason. Don’t run a business on vibes.

5. Be Solution Driven
When faced with adversity, it is essential to adopt a solution-oriented approach. Rather than becoming overwhelmed by obstacles, it is important to look for creative solutions to overcome the difficulties encountered in the business world.

In conclusion, Anikulapo: Rise of the Specter offers valuable lessons for entrepreneurs on the need to stay focused on their goals, offer quality products, honor business agreements, plan for the future, and be Solution-oriented to overcome business challenges.
When Karounwi has a business crisis, he cries, guilt-trips his fleeing customers with emotions, and keeps losing until the stroke of misfortune that befalls Saro favours him. But when Awarun encounters a business crisis, she taps into her network and finds a solution that keeps her in business without breaking much of a sweat.

Keeping a clear head about problems and seeking out sensible solutions will always be a business advantage.



Source: Fatshimetrie,,


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